Help Us Reach Our $100,000 Goal in Raising Money for Fonkoze and Grameen Guatemala
Our goal is to raise $100,000 dollars, of which 100% will support Fonkoze and Grameen Guatemala, Whole Planet Foundation's microfinance partners in Haiti and Guatemala, who desperately need support to rebuild and improve services since the recent earthquake in Haiti and massive mudslides in Guatemala. Fonkoze and Grameen are the largest microfinance institutions in Haiti and Guatemala and target the poorest of the poor.
Help Us Reach Our Weekly Goal of $1,000
In total we have raised $4,770 thus far.
100% of these donations will support Fonkoze or Grameen Guatemala
Fonkoze is Haiti’s Alternative Bank for the Organized Poor. It is the largest micro-finance institution offering a full range of financial services to the rural-based poor in Haiti. Fonkoze is committed to the economic and social improvement of the people and communities of Haiti and to the reduction of poverty in the country.
Grameen Guatemala (Banrural Grameen Microfinanzas)
The primary objective of Banrural Grameen Microfinanzas is to expand the coverage of the microcredit program following Grameen methodology in Guatemala. The collaboration with Banrural will allow for an increase in financial and logistical support within the country. In this year alone, the project has reached out to 3,513 new members and disbursed USD 2,015,255 to its borrowers. In addition to this, it has opened six new branches in Quiche, Chimaltenango, Totonicapan and near Lake Atilan. The project has a plan of opening three new branches in 2010.